Doctoral Research project

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The Research Project is inquiring about female leaders’ career success and leadership capital. The aim is to gain an advance understanding of how female leaders’ conceptualize (understand) career success as well as the barriers and enabling factors of their career journey to leadership positions. This project is based in an egalitarian society where gender equality is a core democratic principle, yet only few females make it to the top of the organizational echelons. The paradox is unsettling and therefore a feminist lens is applied to the research methodology. Our purpose is to bridge both the academic world with the real world and bring knowledge to practice and organizations, where it’s most needed.

Research about Leadership and Gender

Though leadership as a discipline has its origins from the beginning of civilization, the academic research has overlooked the subject of gender intersecting with leadership. Therefore, this area of discipline is an emergent research where the attention to the field has been most recent, since the 2010s. We conduct in-depth research in this discipline known as Leadership and Gender to stay on top of the latest research theories and findings to ensure that learnings are applied in practice that enables more females to emerge as leaders.

There is ample empirical research showing barriers and challenges women face in the workplace, at different strata of organizations, such as the ‘motherhood penalty’, the ‘glass ceiling’ and the ‘glass cliff’. In our research project, we are mindful of all the barriers and challenges, but take a different route by enquiring about success stories to understand how female leaders overcame these barriers and what the enabling factors/elements are for career success that led to the C-suite position.

The pursuit of our research project is to join Study Up research methodology to accelerate gender equality and equity in organizations, which arguably hold significant power in society. Only through in-depth research with solid scientific method can we gain new knowledge and apply that in the real world.

Research about Career Success

Our research takes an in-depth look at what careers mean in the modern times, where individuals are more prone to change jobs at least every 3 to 5 years. This is a significantly different route to career advancement from the generation before us. In our Research Project, we have a specific focus on how career success is understood differently by gender, which is a direct implication of past research suggesting that women and men understand career success contrarily.

There’s sufficient empirical research signifying that women’s careers advance quite differently compared to men and that women make different career choices that are interrelated to their life choices; and therefore weigh more value to subjective measures (intangible elements: work life balance, career satisfaction), as opposed to the objective measures (tangible elements: linear progression, promotion).

In our Research Project, the aim is to gain an understanding from female leader’s conceptualisation of career success, with the assumption that the objective measures were given equal, if not more weight than what the past research suggests regarding female’s career progression.

the research project

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